Social Care Needs Assessments

Providing front-door assessment services for both initial assessment and unscheduled reviews.

Social Care Needs Assessments

Providing front-door assessment services for both initial assessment and unscheduled reviews, enabling locality teams time to focus on other key pressure areas. Reducing the need for formal commissioned services and maximising third sector alternatives

Social Care Reviews

We recognise the pressure on local authorities to complete annual reviews of care and support plans for residents.

Social Care Reviews

We recognise the pressure on local authorities to complete annual reviews of care and support plans for residents. Our team can help you clear overdue review backlogs and ensure you are meeting your Care Act (2014) duties and responsibilities.

Post Hospital Discharge Reviews

Post hospital discharge reviews for residents on transitional temporary placements.

Post Hospital Discharge Reviews

Post hospital discharge reviews for residents on transitional temporary placements to help them explore their long-term care arrangements, with a particular focus on ‘home first’ among other least restrictive available care options.

Continuing Health Care (CHC)

Our CHC experts are Nurse Assessors and Social Workers.

Continuing Health Care (CHC)

Our CHC experts, are Nurse Assessors and Social Workers, they have substantial experience in the Health and Social Care sector. They provide a robust completion of both Decision Support Tools and reviews, including 1:1 support and joint-funded packages. Our solutions will help boost the quality of care you provide to patients, which translates to impact led outcomes for the people receiving care services.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS)

Our Best Interest Assessors can help support you in managing new referrals and waitlists.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS)

Our Best Interest Assessors can help support you in managing new referrals and waitlists, we are here to compliment your in-house DOLS Teams and ensure efficiency and value for money.

Assurance and Compliance

Supporting local authorities to boost public confidence in the quality of services they provide.

Assurance and Compliance

Supporting local authorities to boost public confidence in the quality of services they provide. We can offer an evaluation of your readiness for the introduction of the new statutory Care Quality Commission guidance; identifying any risk areas and providing solutions to improve outcomes for local authority assessment processes.